Foundation Certificate

The Foundation Certificate is a one year programme (first year) for all the new candidates of PTC. It is designed to a connecting platform between prior learning/experiences of new students and the commencement of their Theological and Ministerial Training. The scope of the programme covers both an introduction to the Academic Programmes as well as the Ministerial Formation standards established in the PTC Curriculum. The Foundational Pathway is therefore a requirement mandated for all the new students to enter into the Diploma in Theology Level 6 Programme. The students of Piula Theological College are mostly adult school leavers. Some have been employed in various trades and professional careers or have been self-employed for most of their lives. The majority of candidates (except for a few students in each year) have had no formal education in Theology and

its related disciplines, which makes the acquiring of this new knowledge base, with an entirely new and foreign language, a huge challenge. Thus, the Foundational Pathway provides that essential platform to prepare the student for studies at the Diploma level (Diploma in Theology).

Furthermore, Methodist discipline and spirituality is of uttermost importance, and the Foundational year introduces new candidates to self-discipline, respect of social and cultural protocols, reverence of religious traditions and values, all of which are vital elements in the ministry of the Methodist Church and the Ministerial Formation component of study at Piula Theological College.

Why is this Pathway Important?

The Foundational Pathway will provide the essential foundation for any individual wishing to pursue studies in Theology, Biblical Studies and Languages, Christian History and Pastoral Ministry. The
Foundational Year is your gateway into both undergraduate (Diploma level 6) and postgraduate (BD & BD Hons levels 7 & 8) levels of Theological Studies



Biblical Studies at this level engage with the foundational texts of the Christian tradition, comprising the Old and New Testaments, and the โ€˜canonโ€™ of authoritative writings (scriptures). The courses in this discipline look at the historical and genre analysis of the highly varied literature involved, such as Wisdom, Apocryphal, Apocalyptic, and so on. It also provides a foundation of Biblical languages, such as Hebrew and Greek, and appropriates a range of critical tools for the interpretation of Biblical texts.


Theological Studies at this level provide the fundamental foundations of systematic theological thought. This programme also introduces students to ethical and moral systems and the Christ approach to decision making


The courses available introduce students to the study of Church History
from c.30-1500A.D. Students are expected to gain a fair understanding
of the historical context of the period. Students are also introduced to
particularly the factors that contributed to the growth and expansion
of the Church, and the shaping of its fundamental doctrines


Church Ministry at this level explores the foundational
of the Church.
understanding utilised in Homiletics, Pastoral Care and Christian
Education. The programme also introduces the methods essential
in the development of Mission and Evangelisation in the Ministry


Students are introduced to the traditions of the Methodist Church as
they are essential in retaining the Methodist identity in todayโ€™s global
society. Students are also introduced to how Methodism was borne
out of the ministry and theology of John Wesley during the 18th century.
